Stop Calling Them Students
The renowned sociologist begged us to stop throwing “student” in front of ministries. He explained that the dropout rate is high, and such a nomenclature eliminates many from finding a place in the church. But almost everyone read his remarks either with the shrugged shoulders of, I don’t get it or the rolling eyes of, Come on, loosen up, I think you’re drunk on statistical tables, feeling his comments as some kind of exhausting academic version of political correctness.
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Brian Swanson
Andrew, I really enjoyed your article. I missed it in the original journal (I miss that publication!). While I really dig what you say about how the word “student” describes a teenager by what they do rather than who they are rooted in Christ, I wondered if we should completely throw the word out. As people called to make disciples, which are students by definition (in belief and practice), what if we spill more ink about how we are making students/disciples of Rabbi Jesus?
I’d love to hear your thoughts on that slant. Thanks for always pushing the envelope with how and what we are thinking in youth/student/children/teenager ministry.