The Relational Pastor and Inception
Relational Ministry, the Pastor, and Inception
by Andrew Root
I have the hardest time turning the channel when it is on; I always watch even just a few minutes before reminding myself that I’ve seen it dozens of times. I can’t help it—I just find the Christopher Nolan movie Inception, starring Leonardo DiCaprio captivating.
I’m sure nearly everyone reading this blog has seen it; it was a smash hit during the summer of 2010. It is a movie about spies that have the technology to enter your dreams so they can extract your idea or secrets. Using a machine, DiCaprio, the lead sexy spy, can enter, say, a CEO’s dreams, seeking to discover the future plans for a business and then take the information and sell it to rivals. The movie has so many creative layers of psychology, consciousness, philosophy and espionage that it keeps my remote trigger thumb from moving past it.
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